Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Sagada, Mt.Province, Sumaguing Cave & The Hanging Coffins

Sagada has great mountain ranges to boast and because it is located high up in the mountains, it's like it's got its own air-conditioning system, not to mention free for all. We came across Banaue Rice Terraces, the self-proclaimed and allegedly the 8th wonder of the world. It was indeed impressive to see and makes you wonder how those rice terraces came to form during ancient times in human hands. Sagada had their own rice terraces too. My local guide asserted that it is better than the Banaue's. I think he was only biased. :) He showed me Sumaguing Cave which had primitive coffins by the entrance. This used to be a burial cave during early times. Inside the cave were fascinating formation of limestone. One of my favorite was the "Truffle Cake".

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