Sunday, April 11, 2010

Camiguin, The Volcano Island

My trip to Camiguin island last April 2009 is one of my life's favorite solo backpacker's episode. I took the ferry from my hometown Dumaguete to get here. It took six hours to arrive to Cagayan de Oro (CDO), Northern Mindanao. As I arrived around 7pm, I had to stay overnight in CDO. Early the next day I hopped to a bus to take me to Balingoan port where I could take the ferry to Camiguin island. From the port, I could see clearly where I'm heading to. Seeing the view filled my heart with so much excitement. I know I'm going to have a great time here and  I did! In this beautiful island are hot springs, falls, a popular sandbar in the middle of the sea and volcanoes of deadly beauty. If you are feeling energetic, you can do a climb of the 14 stations of the cross and be rewarded with a spectacular view when you reach the top with wobbly knees! :)

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