Thursday, April 15, 2010

Roxas City, Capiz, Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Roxas City has an abundant marine life and the center of aquaculture for Panay island. I guess this is why it is credible for what it claims to be. For anybody who comes here, you'd be a fool if you fail to have seafood, unless of course if you're allergic. I don't have fish or shell allergy of any sort so it was seafood galore each meal for me most of the time. My friend Ino manages the fishpond family business so he took us into one of his fish farms. The trip there involved a quick boat journey operated by a boatman via saddle only, no machines. We "sailed" in the middle of a vast fish farm and stopped by a hut. We had fresh oysters with chili and vinegar nicely prepared for us when we arrived. Yummy! :) This place is so laid back up to the point that you'll be forced to just relax. It's funny how a lot of my friends react when I say I'm in Capiz. They always seem to be frightened because "aswangs" congregate here. ("Aswang" is a Philippine mythical creature, vampire like and eat humans). Oh well, I enjoyed myself and left Capiz unscathed... :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Puerto Galera, Mindoro, holiday destination for scuba divers and beach party goers

I stole this sea horse photo from my friend's website because I didn't have any photos taken when I came here, simply because I didn't have a camera then. The Sea Rider Dive Center is one of the popular dive shops in Sabang, Puerto Galera. My friend owns and runs the place so I'm sure he wouldn't mind me "borrowing" his pictures for my blog. :) I chose the sea horse because I think this was the same one I saw (or more likely dreamt of seeing then) in one of my dives way back early 2005. I went to Puerto G on a solo backpack trip with the intention of doing some scuba diving so Sabang was the ideal place to base myself during my 2 nights stay. I got to experience the night life in the White Beach as well. The locals claim that the White Beach nightlife is as vibrant as Boracay. I can't comment. Having been to both places, I think they have their own individual attractions. I like them both to be honest and fair. :) Puerto Galera's proximity from Manila makes it a popular and a much cheaper holiday destination. Apart from diving and partying, there are other activities you can do here like quad biking, hiking or drinking till you drop by the beach! :)

Camotes Islands, Cebu, Nature's Gift

Camotes Islands is a group of 4 islands (Pacijan, Poro, Pilar & Ponson). Pacijan or San Francisco (San Fran as locals call it) is the main and biggest among the four. "Kamote" is the local name for sweet potatoes and if you are wondering if these islands are called after it then you've guessed it right. They've even got a sweet shop that sells pastries all made from kamote. :) From Cebu City, there are ferries that sail straight to Camotes but I took the ferry from Danao, Cebu (almost 2 hrs. away from the city). My trip to Camotes was an unplanned stop. I just had finished from Malapascua when I thought I explore one more island before finally heading back to Dumaguete, my hometown. I was pleased to make that stop. Camotes is one of Cebu's back door jewels. Nature trips are definitely the thing to do here. The air seems much fresher too, maybe that's why I saw a lot of cyclists training here. Next time I go back, maybe I'll try cycling around the islands... :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baguio City, Pines City

It is also known as the "Summer Capital of the Philippines" because it's here you can escape from the heat of the lowlands during summer months and because it is always a cooler weather up in these mountains. That is, from what I remembered it to be. Today, it's so populated and commercialised that it's losing all it's cold, not to mention global warming. From where the SM Mall stands now used to be a little hill full of trees. Shame that people find more attraction to a concrete block than nature. :( I spent my university days here and graduated after 4 years. I  never wanted to leave for Manila but I found it difficult to find a job in Baguio after staying another year after graduation. The last time I was here was on my wedding day, this was a promise I made to myself that I wanted to get married in Baguio whatever happens and wherever I might end up to. I was glad to have kept that promise. This place has always got a place to chill in my heart...

Bohol, home of the world's smallest primate, The Tarsier

The tarsier is the first thing that springs to mind when you think Bohol but there is more to this island than just this furry little creature and the Chocolote Hills. I felt sorry though that the tarsiers had to be pestered by tourists during the day when they are supposed to be asleep and resting. The guys who runs the conservation place probably hasn't got a grasp that these fellows are nocturnal. Makes me wonder if they really care for the conservation of these animals. :( On the other hand, it's nice to explore the island via motorbike (which I did with hubby) all the way to Panglao island where you will find a white beach and enjoy a bubbly nightlife. You won't run out of beach resorts and cocktail bars here. Balicasag island is a popular dive site in Bohol. It's a massive wall drop teeming with sea life. It's easy to fall back and just chill out in this island. I promised to come back.

Camiguin, The Volcano Island

My trip to Camiguin island last April 2009 is one of my life's favorite solo backpacker's episode. I took the ferry from my hometown Dumaguete to get here. It took six hours to arrive to Cagayan de Oro (CDO), Northern Mindanao. As I arrived around 7pm, I had to stay overnight in CDO. Early the next day I hopped to a bus to take me to Balingoan port where I could take the ferry to Camiguin island. From the port, I could see clearly where I'm heading to. Seeing the view filled my heart with so much excitement. I know I'm going to have a great time here and  I did! In this beautiful island are hot springs, falls, a popular sandbar in the middle of the sea and volcanoes of deadly beauty. If you are feeling energetic, you can do a climb of the 14 stations of the cross and be rewarded with a spectacular view when you reach the top with wobbly knees! :)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Moalboal, Cebu (Low-Key but excellent diving destination)

Moal-what? I know, its a bit of a mouthful to pronounce the place correctly but who cares. I fell in love with this little low profile island the moment I set foot in it. Diving here is terrific. My dive guide told me that this is one of the best places to get your first diving lessons because you don't get much of bad currents. I did my first night dive here and it was worth doing! The people in the resort were lovely. I think the people in this place were lovely in general. It's nice to explore the island on a motorbike too as you can appreciate the locality even better, just mind the public buses.

Anilao, Batangas, One of the Philippines first dive destinations

Anilao, according to my guidebook is one of the first diving destinations set-up in the Philippines. I travelled here with my very good friends. We did some snorkelling after our rented boat / boatman took us to a nearby reef. What I saw was disappointing. The corals were bleached and there weren't many fishes hanging around. I could only suspect that this area had suffered from years of overfishing and dynamite fishing. It's very sad to think how we can easily destroy nature for short term gains. :( Apart from that, the holiday spent with my friends was most enjoyable. On the way back to Manila, we drove down to Tagaytay to have a good glimpse of the unassuming but fascinating Taal Volcano Lake.

Mt. Pinatubo, Tarlac, Pampanga

My itchy feet had taken me to trek Mt. Pinatubo. I took my whole family with me just to make sure I get all the moral support I could get along the way. I ended up doing all the pep talk just to keep them going. The trek was taxing. It took nearly 4 hours to reach the crater involving an off road 4x4 wheel drive, that was the fun bit. The view that welcomed us at the end of the trek was fascinating. It definitely blew us away and we all forgot how tired we were.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Island Hopping, Crocodile Farm and the St. Paul Underground River

My very good friends Tanya and Cess arranged the trip to Palawan. I only had to pay my share. :) I came back from overseas and this was the first real holiday I had in ages. We went island hopping and snorkeling. Visited Baker's Hill and stuffed our faces with pastries. Cringed whiled walking above a steel bridge overlooking a sea of crocodiles in the crocodile farm. Even managed to semi-hugged a baby reptile for that matter. Played proper girlies in the butterfly farm. To sum it all up, it had been a fabulous time.

Sagada, Mt.Province, Sumaguing Cave & The Hanging Coffins

Sagada has great mountain ranges to boast and because it is located high up in the mountains, it's like it's got its own air-conditioning system, not to mention free for all. We came across Banaue Rice Terraces, the self-proclaimed and allegedly the 8th wonder of the world. It was indeed impressive to see and makes you wonder how those rice terraces came to form during ancient times in human hands. Sagada had their own rice terraces too. My local guide asserted that it is better than the Banaue's. I think he was only biased. :) He showed me Sumaguing Cave which had primitive coffins by the entrance. This used to be a burial cave during early times. Inside the cave were fascinating formation of limestone. One of my favorite was the "Truffle Cake".

Siquijor, The Island of Fire

Most Filipinos are scared to go Siquijor. I can't understand why they believe rumors that witches and supernatural creatures reside here. Having visited the island twice, the rumors still prove to be untrue. All I have witnessed was a lovely little island with exquisite nature and superb beaches. My Mom travelled with me on my first visit to Siquijor. When I found out about the Cantabon cave, I insisted to go in it. My Mom objected that I go even with a guide because it's too dangerous. I still went in... with Mom... :)

Malapascua, Cebu, The Thresher Shark

Malapascua is located north of Cebu. Divers come here to see the endangered thresher shark. I was glad to know that the thresher shark is protected here and not eaten by locals like we most Filipinos do. i.e we eat whatever crawls on four feet or whatever swims in the sea. I failed to see the shark on my first dive visit so I had to come back then I saw him.

Sipalay, Negros Occidental, The Sugar Beach

Sipalay is a hidden treasure. When you go here, accept that you are unplugged from the outside world. It is not easy to get to which explains why it not as spoilt as the other beach holiday destinations in the Philippines. The trip to get to Sipalay is complicated if you are a commuter but it was all worth it when I arrived.

Dumaguete, The City of Gentle People

Dumaguete island I feel is understated for all the lovely nature it can offer. The lakes, the mountains, the falls and not to mention Apo Island which is one of the top diving destination in the Philippines. The pollution and congestion in the city can be off putting sometimes so I only go there to get my shopping and errands done. I live in a house with my family a bit far from the city. It's nice & quiet and I can watch the stars on a clear night from our little terrace while chilling with a bottle of San Miguel beer. :) Dumaguete is my home town now and I love it.

Boracay, White Beach

Boracay island has the most pristine beach I've ever seen by far in my life. Shame that it is so commercialized now. The up side of it being commercial is that it has made it possible for a simple and ordinary person like me to access and enjoy this paradise. You also have to experience the bustling night life in Boracay.